In this week's podcast, Pete shares his reflections on the difficult season of the coronavirus pandemic that we have just entered. Challenging, hard-to-believe news is coming at a pace that is demanding to absorb for ourselves – let alone the people we lead.
What is God saying? How is He coming to us? How do we lead others in such an unprecedented time of crisis?
📝 Free Church Culture Assessment: How is your church doing in these 6 core areas?
Are you leading out of true power—or false power?
Far too often, we mistake activity for effectiveness, urgency for wisdom, and influence for true authority. When we operate out of false power—power rooted in our own ambition, hurry, or need for approval—we’re actually moving backward, not forward. We might look like we’re leading well, but deep inside, something is off. Anxiety rises, peace disappears, and we start measuring success by numbers instead of names, by comparison instead of calling.
In this episode, I unpack five countercultural ways to guard your heart and leadership against the trap of false power. We look at Paul’s struggle with the “super-apostles” and how weakness—not strength—is the pathway to true kingdom power. We explore why embracing slowness, humility, and deep discernment is the only way to keep your leadership aligned with Jesus.
If you’ve ever felt exhausted, driven, or subtly addicted to success—this episode is for you. True power is found in surrender. Let’s learn to lead from a different kind of strength.
⚡FREE WEBINAR: Join us for our next webinar – How to Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up –
Too many pastors and leaders get caught in a subtle but deadly trap—chasing a form of power that looks impressive on the outside but leaves us spiritually hollow. It’s a trap Paul confronted head-on when facing the so-called “super-apostles” of his day. They flaunted their visions, eloquence, and achievements, yet Paul boldly declared that true power is found in weakness.
In this episode of The Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast, we begin a two-part conversation on five ways to avoid the trap of false power. You’ll discover why weakness isn’t a liability in leadership—it’s a requirement.
If you’ve ever felt like you’re doing more than God asked of you—this episode is for you. The way forward isn’t about working harder or proving yourself. It’s about letting God’s power be made perfect in your weakness.
Listen now. And don’t forget to register for our upcoming webinar: How to Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up on March 12 at 4 PM ET.
📍 DOWNLOAD FREE E-BOOK: “LeaderShift” - Discover the 8 Pivotal Breakthroughs of Emotionally Healthy Leaders
In leadership, weakness is often seen as a liability. A roadblock. Something to overcome. But what if weakness is actually the platform for God's power in your life?
In this episode, we continue exploring one of the most misunderstood and countercultural truths of the gospel—God’s power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9). The world—and even much of the church—chases after strength, size, eloquence, and success. But Paul’s life and leadership tell a different story. The super-apostles of Corinth flaunted their credentials, spiritual gifts, and influence. Paul? He boasted in his suffering, his limits, his thorn in the flesh—because that was where the power of Christ rested on him.
As leaders, we often think, If only I were stronger, more gifted, more influential… But what if God’s way isn’t about making us stronger but about making us weaker, so His power can be revealed?
Join me as we dive deep into this paradox that could transform your leadership—and your life.
📍 GET FREE E-BOOK: “Ancient Disciplemaking” - Your quick start guide to reclaiming the last 2,000 years of church history.
Most pastors and church leaders wrestle with this question: How do we measure success if not by numbers?
For the next two episodes, we’re diving into one of the most radical truths of the gospel—that God’s power is made perfect not in our strengths, but in our weaknesses. Paul lived this. He was battered, abandoned, mocked, even questioned as a true apostle. Yet, it was precisely in his weakness that God’s power was most fully displayed.
This isn’t just theological. It’s deeply personal. I’ve spent my whole life trying to overcome my weaknesses. But what if they were never obstacles to success—what if they were the very platform for God’s power?
Join me as we unpack this paradigm-shifting truth, straight from 2 Corinthians 10-13.
📖 FREE E-BOOK: “Ancient Disciplemaking” - Your quick start guide to understanding the last 2,000 years of church history.
In today’s episode, we’re stepping into the rich, untapped wisdom of church history. As modern Christian leaders, many of us unknowingly skip over a critical part of our spiritual heritage—believing God’s work jumped straight from the Book of Acts to the Reformation or Azusa Street. This way of thinking has left us with shallow discipleship and an anemic church.
It’s time to reclaim the “genogram” of the church. Together, we’ll explore the first 1,000 years of Christian history, learn from the four major branches of the global church, and discover how ancient practices like silence, stillness, and grief can transform the way we lead and disciple others.
We’ll also address blind spots in our evangelical tradition and the immense lessons we can glean from brothers and sisters across time and culture. The past isn’t just history—it’s alive, shaping us even today.
Ready to strengthen your leadership and rediscover an ancient path to disciple-making? Download our free eBook at and take your next step toward a deeper, transformative faith.
⚡Design a RULE OF LIFE in 60 Minutes - Join us for a free 2025 kickoff webinar with Pete Scazzero and Drew Hyun on January 15th.
As we step into 2025, the world around us is in upheaval—artificial intelligence is reshaping how we live and lead, cultural norms are rapidly shifting, and the pressures on the church have never been greater. Economic instability, political polarization, and spiritual apathy are not just challenges; they’re wake-up calls.
In this episode, Pete Scazzero shares why adopting a Radical Rule of Life is the essential foundation for leadership in such turbulent times. Drawing on 23 years of experience with this transformative tool, Pete explains how a Rule of Life functions as a trellis, lifting your spiritual life off the ground to help you bear much fruit—personally and in ministry.
Discover practical steps to design your own Rule of Life and why it’s the most important gift you can give to those you lead. Whether you’re a pastor, ministry leader, or parent, this conversation will challenge you to slow down, realign with God’s presence, and embrace rhythms of prayer, rest, relationships, and work.
Don’t miss this critical start to the year. Your leadership—and your soul—depend on it.
⚡Design a RULE OF LIFE in 60 Minutes - Join us for a free 2025 kickoff webinar with Pete Scazzero and Drew Hyun on January 15th.
In this special Christmas reflection, Pete Scazzero unpacks the powerful words of John the Baptist: “Among you stands one you do not know” (John 1:26). As we rush through the demands of the season, it’s easy to overlook the quiet, hidden ways God reveals Himself—in the ordinary, the painful, and even the mundane.
Pete invites us to slow down and embrace the mystery of God’s presence in unexpected places. From a scandalous birth in a dirty manger to a hidden life in a carpenter’s shop, Jesus’ arrival defies human expectations. What if the very moments we overlook are the places where God stands closest?
Through poignant stories and timeless truths, Pete challenges us to stop, be silent, and listen. You’ll learn practical ways to cultivate attentiveness in your life and leadership, discover God in life’s interruptions, and open your heart to His transforming presence—even when it doesn’t come as you expect.
Don’t miss this opportunity to reflect deeply and encounter Jesus in new, surprising ways this Christmas. Listen now.
📣 Transform your church culture with the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Course. Curious? Download and preview TWO full sessions from the course for FREE.
In today’s episode, we’re tackling a powerful yet countercultural truth: God’s way is slow, small, and often weak—and that’s exactly why it’s unstoppable.
So many of us are addicted to speed. We rush decisions, launch initiatives prematurely, and burn ourselves out in the name of productivity. But this impatience not only sabotages our leadership—it blinds us to the quiet, steady work of God.
Drawing from the profound parable of the mustard seed, we’ll explore how the Kingdom of God begins small and seemingly insignificant but grows into something world-changing. Together, we’ll unpack three key lessons: the value of slowness, the power of small beginnings, and the surprising strength found in weakness.
This episode is a wake-up call to embrace patience and resist the cultural obsession with instant results. Whether you’re leading a church, raising a family, or shaping your community, God invites you to align your pace with His—and trust that His plan is advancing in ways we may not see.
Slow down. Listen in. Discover the mustard-seed way of leadership.
🎄Christmas Sermon Prep Webinar - Join me for a FREE webinar on Dec. 5th at 2 pm ET to learn about preaching a Christmas message that deeply changes lives.
The truth is, you can’t shepherd numbers. You can only shepherd names. And yet, in a culture obsessed with metrics, many leaders feel trapped, measuring success by attendance, budgets, and fast growth rather than the flourishing of the people God has entrusted to them.
In this episode, Pete unpacks the heart of biblical shepherding—leading with Jesus’ love, slowing down to be present, and praying over the specific names God has placed under your care. He explains how this dramatic shift, though countercultural and painfully slow, leads to a deeply transformative and spacious life for both shepherds and sheep.
If you’re longing to move beyond hurried leadership into a ministry marked by patience, prayer, and personal connection, this episode is for you. Pete shares four practical ways to shepherd like Jesus and invites you to reflect: Who is on your list?
🕯️Christmas Sermon Prep Webinar - Join me for a FREE webinar on Dec. 5th at 2 pm ET to learn how to craft a powerful Christmas message that deeply changes lives. (without losing your soul)
In today’s episode, we’re diving into a theme that should resonate with pastors and leaders all around the world. Reflecting on the life and ministry of John the Baptist, we’ll explore how to speak with conviction and clarity amidst a world overwhelmed by fear, information overload, and shifting power structures.
John’s world was much like ours—fraught with political unrest, corrupt leaders, and widespread anxiety. And yet, it was to him, a voice in the wilderness, that God’s Word came. He shows us that real leadership doesn’t come from platforms or applause but from a place of inner surrender, courage, and freedom from people’s approval.
This episode will challenge you to lead with authenticity and to center your life on a slower, deeper spirituality. If you’re feeling called to renew your heart and strengthen your church’s culture in the midst of today’s chaos, join us as we learn from John the Baptist’s powerful, countercultural example.
Listen in to reorient, refocus, and be inspired to become an instrument in God’s hands.