📝 Free Church Culture Assessment: How is your church doing in these 6 core areas? https://www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchhealth
Are you leading out of true power—or false power?
Far too often, we mistake activity for effectiveness, urgency for wisdom, and influence for true authority. When we operate out of false power—power rooted in our own ambition, hurry, or need for approval—we’re actually moving backward, not forward. We might look like we’re leading well, but deep inside, something is off. Anxiety rises, peace disappears, and we start measuring success by numbers instead of names, by comparison instead of calling.
In this episode, I unpack five countercultural ways to guard your heart and leadership against the trap of false power. We look at Paul’s struggle with the “super-apostles” and how weakness—not strength—is the pathway to true kingdom power. We explore why embracing slowness, humility, and deep discernment is the only way to keep your leadership aligned with Jesus.
If you’ve ever felt exhausted, driven, or subtly addicted to success—this episode is for you. True power is found in surrender. Let’s learn to lead from a different kind of strength.
In today's episode, Pete plays highlights from five of the most popular podcast episodes from 2021.
In today's episode, we'll discover that it's in silence that we learn to pay attention to what God is birthing in and through us.
In today's podcast, Pete shares with you a sermon in which he explores many fascinating details about Herod's life and why it stood in such contrast with the newborn King.
In today's podcast, Pete explores the nuts and bolts and best practices of planning for a sabbatical. It takes advance planning, prayer, and thoughtfulness in order to do well.
In this week's podcast, Pete explores the biblical definition of a sabbatical and makes a case for why all leaders should, at the right time, take one.
Today on the podcast, Pete walks through 4 real-life case studies of leaders navigating transition. In each case, He'll share insights about the right (and wrong) ways these transitions should be handled.
In today's podcast, Pete explores how criticisms can set off internal triggers that may result in anger, defensiveness, or blaming. The good news is – it's possible to get free from these patterns. When you change the way you think, it will be a gift to your whole team and church!
Today on the podcast, Pete walks you through a format for how to host a service where every member of your church is commissioned into full time ministry.
In today's podcast, Pete explores the life of Abraham and the revelation that propelled him forward in his work. Because when we view our life and work from heaven's perspective, everything changes.
In today's podcast, Pete exposes some of the most unbiblical language we use and how we can better communicate good theology so our people can flourish in their everyday lives.
Today on the podcast, Pete builds upon last week's episode about finding our "calling" and shares about the deeper purpose of our work from God's perspective.
In today's podcast, Pete explores the paradox of how God's absence is a form of His presence.
On today's podcast, Pete offers encouragement to pastors who are carrying the weight of the church in a time that is very disorienting. If you need a fresh perspective, take a listen.
If you've come to the end of yourself, you're not alone. On today's podcast, Pete shares with you a message that he believes is timely and encouraging.
Today, Pete gives you a sneak peek of his wife Geri's new podcast, Emotionally Healthy Woman. The first episode is called "Quit Being Afraid of What Other People Think".
In this interview, Pete shares some treasures of church history and why they are vitally important for the leaders of today and tomorrow.
In today's podcast, Pete invites you to listen along as he walks through these three habits detailed in his book Emotionally Healthy Discipleship.
In today's podcast, Pete shares with you a passage that has been instrumental for him as a leader. The scene comes from Mark 15 where Jesus is lonely on the cross. Pete then offers some encouragement for how God comes to us, even in His silence.
In today's episode, Pete offers encouragement by drawing attention to the enormous power of Jesus in the face of evil.
Mark chapter 5 offers us the most graphic story in all of the New Testament. In this story, Jesus confronts a man filled with a legion of demons. And in Jesus' presence, this man is freed and restored to his right mind.
This kind of power is available to us all in Christ.
When power and dual relationships in your church are not carefully considered, you may be on the road to deep pain, confusion, and division.
In this episode, Pete reads five case studies from leaders who are navigating this delicate tension and he draws from difficult personal lessons he's learned to offer leadership wisdom.
Today, Pete shares with you an excerpt of an interview he recently did for Preaching Today. In this interview, Pete shares 6 questions that you must ask if you want to learn how to preach from the inside out.
Today, Pete shares an excerpt from a chapter in his recent book, Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, called "Follow the Crucified, not the Americanized Jesus".
It's one of the most important chapters in the book. Within it, he explores four temptations from the Evil One that come to all of us – regardless of our culture, country, age, demographic, or ministry
In today's episode, Pete offers a NEW scorecard with 7 new metrics leaders MUST begin to measure.
It's likely you won't hear about these 7 things in leadership books or church growth conferences. But if you want to lead in a way that actually makes disciples of Jesus, you cannot ignore them.
Listen to this episode, to discover 7 questions to measure leadership success.
In today's episode, Pete approaches complex deeply ingrained culture issues by sharing real leadership case studies. He address specific problems and obstacles submitted by 7 church leaders around the world. One by one, he offers practical wisdom for what needs to change in each culture in order to experience true transformation.
Pete's hope today is that you would be encouraged to know that God is not finished with you yet. The Holy Spirit is ready to bring you into new beginnings!
To be leaders who flourish in the future to come, we must step into several important practices and paradigm shifts. In today's podcast, I explore 3 critical shifts that must take place in order for us to not buckle under the weight of unrelenting pressure.
Join Pete today as he discusses several case studies that will help you move from theory to reality.
In today's podcast, Pete shares with you a roadmap, that if applied, will help your entire organization not only operate efficiently but lead to Christ-likeness in every person.
In today's episode, Pete will explore these words from Mark 13. Wherever you are today, we pray Jesus breathes into your lungs new perspective, peace, and purpose for your life and future!
Like Jesus, most of the stones in our lives can transform us if we are willing to change the way we see.
Listen to today's podcast to learn more.
In today's episode, Pete casts a 6-part vision for a church culture that will accelerate your ability to make deeply changed disciples of Jesus.
In today's episode, Pete covers the next mark of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship. Listen along to learn how to actually lead out of weakness and vulnerability.
In today's episode, we discuss this next mark of emotionally healthy discipleship and why developing a "Genogram" will help us become mature disciples of Jesus.
But how exactly do we make love the measure of our spiritual maturity?
In today's podcast, we cover this next mark of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship.
In today's episode, Pete continues the book launch series by exploring the next mark of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship. Like David, Jeremiah and Job, we have an invitation to discover the treasures buried in grief and loss.
John the Baptist, Paul, and Jesus all submitted to the limitations given to them by God.
In today's episode, Pete explores this 3rd mark of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, and invites you to embrace the God-given limits in your life.
In this episode, Pete gives you the top ten indicators that will tell you if your doing has exceeded your being. It's worth a listen just for this list!
Why have our discipleship efforts failed so significantly?
In today's episode, Pete launches into this topic as the first part of a longer podcast series, in which he will discuss the transformational insights of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship.
In today's podcast, Pete goes deeper into this passage and finishes with two poignant questions that are a matter of life and death.
Last week, Pete introduced a powerful skill called "Explore the Iceberg", which is a tool that helps you explore and process your emotional life.
In today's podcast, Pete introduces you to another skill called "Climbing the Ladder of Integrity." It's easy to feel stuck, not knowing what to pray. This powerful skill will help you clarify complex thoughts, values, and desires and discover what God might be revealing to you.
In today's podcast, Pete walks you through a powerful skill, developed over 25 years, called "Explore the Iceberg". It is both practical and profound. This skill has revolutionized the way Pete spends time with Jesus, and we know it will do the same for you!
In today's podcast, I share several keys that will help us pay attention to the work of God in our lives, even in the fog of life transitions.
In today's podcast, Pete shares with you a message from Ezekiel that Has several timely applications for our present moment. I pray you will listen along and be deeply encouraged!
In today's podcast, I offer ten practical ways we can practice grief and loss. I believe this will give you simple next steps and a new imagination for what this could like in your life and church.
In today's podcast, Pete shares part one of a series where he will talk about the urgent need for us to grieve. It's the kind of podcast that most listeners will skip over because it's not a trendy topic. But if you're serious about doing the deep work of discipleship, take a listen.
In today's podcast, we explore the three things God is wanting to develop in us as we await His rescue in the lion's den.
In today's podcast, Pete addresses the 3 critical tasks of shepherds and reminds you why your work matters deeply to Jesus.
Today on the podcast, Pete shares with you a message about the prophet Jeremiah and his hidden life with God.
In today's episode, Pete shares a word of encouragement as we enter a new year. Based on the story of fishes and loaves, we'll discover how Jesus invites us out of the fear of scarcity into the joy of abundance.