LeaderSHIFT: 8 Pivotal Breakthroughs of Emotionally Healthy Leaders

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How to Transition Well from Your Endings into New Beginnings
Posted on: Tuesday July 09, 2024

✅ [FREE E-BOOK] LeaderSHIFT: 8 Pivotal Breakthroughs of Emotionally Healthy Leaders


Loss, change, and transition are all around us.

Yet, one of the lesser-known practices of emotionally healthy leadership is learning how to let go and transition from one season to the next. Throughout our lives there are countless endings and new beginnings that invite us to pay attention:

Closing a chapter of life, Leaving one church and joining a new one, Starting a new job or role, Moving away or into a new home, Changing relationships, Succession and release of leadership

In every transition, there are gifts waiting to be discovered if we are able to slow down and reflect in gratitude. When we rush through transitions, giving little thought to what is happening, we actually miss out on the hidden ways God is trying to come to us.

In this podcast, I explore this theme further and share insights on how we can navigate transitions well. 

Tuesday November 20, 2018

This podcast is a meditation of Matthew 4:1-11 (Jesus' temptation in the desert) around two questions: 1) In light of Jesus’ responses to Satan, what do we learn about staying grounded in leadership? 2)
What are ways in which Satan tries to split you off/separate you away from the Father in your pastoring/leading?


Tuesday November 13, 2018

Saying no to leadership opportunities, and the increased impact and influence they can afford, is not a topic talked about very often today. For that we need to look at the work of the Holy Spirit in the history of the church. In Part 2 of this series, Pete looks at two towering figures in particular: Bernard of Clairvaux and Gregory of Nazianzus.


Tuesday November 06, 2018

As people who lead in the name of Jesus, we are not to enter every open door or seize every new opportunity. Why? Doing so outside of God’s timetable damages both ourselves and his long-term kingdom mission in the world. In this podcast Pete talks about three reasons we ought to consider pausing to pray before saying yes to new leadership opportunities before us.

Tuesday October 30, 2018

Pete offers highlights from the eight charts that formed the basis of his book, The Emotionally Healthy Leader, contrasting the standard practice of how we typically do leadership vs. an emotionally healthy way, and talks about his new free e-book: Why Leadership Matters for a Discipleship that Deeply Changes Lives.

Tuesday October 23, 2018

Pete explores the story (with its present-day applications) of God directing Elijah to go to a desert for silence and solitude.

Tuesday October 16, 2018

This podcast looks at Jesus’ intentional movement from active ministry with people to times of solitude in a desert place in order to be alone with the Father. It also examines practical ways we can develop a similar rhythm of finding our “desert” with God—regardless of the unique season or circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Tuesday October 09, 2018

In this podcast you will hear a message on God’s invitation - at every stage of our life and leadership - to grasp ever more deeply that we are his “beloved,” i.e. we are deeply loved by him. Getting this truth frees us from the demonic voices that tempt us to get our loveability from other sources and fills us with the courage we need to do God’s will regardless of where it leads.

Tuesday October 02, 2018

In part 2 of this series, Pete talks about 4 additional gifts/applications from the Desert Fathers and Mothers that offer a challenge to us in leadership today.

Tuesday September 25, 2018

At the end of the third century Christian men and women began to flee the cities and villages of the Nile Delta in Egypt to seek God in the desert. In this podcast, Pete talks about what he believes is their contribution and gift for us today – both in our leadership and in our discipling of others.

Tuesday September 18, 2018

Pete expands on the 7 primary lessons (or gifts) from the Rule of Benedict that have profoundly influenced his life and leadership.