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Weakness: The Platform for Power: Pt. 2
Posted on: Tuesday February 18, 2025

📍 DOWNLOAD FREE E-BOOK: “LeaderShift” - Discover the 8 Pivotal Breakthroughs of Emotionally Healthy Leaders


In leadership, weakness is often seen as a liability. A roadblock. Something to overcome. But what if weakness is actually the platform for God's power in your life?

In this episode, we continue exploring one of the most misunderstood and countercultural truths of the gospel—God’s power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9). The world—and even much of the church—chases after strength, size, eloquence, and success. But Paul’s life and leadership tell a different story. The super-apostles of Corinth flaunted their credentials, spiritual gifts, and influence. Paul? He boasted in his suffering, his limits, his thorn in the flesh—because that was where the power of Christ rested on him.

As leaders, we often think, If only I were stronger, more gifted, more influential… But what if God’s way isn’t about making us stronger but about making us weaker, so His power can be revealed?

Join me as we dive deep into this paradox that could transform your leadership—and your life.

Monday June 04, 2018

Pete introduces the paradigm-shifting concept of differentiation as one significant reason why exercising excellent leadership is so hard and addresses three key questions can help us grow in differentiation and maturely navigate high-charged situations.

Tuesday May 29, 2018

To live and lead like Jesus requires that we embrace the fact that we are people with deep weaknesses and vulnerabilities. At the same time, it also requires we embrace the glorious truth that we are incredible – with unique passions, histories, gifts, experiences, sufferings, and destinies. 

Tuesday May 22, 2018

Our human hearts desperately crave praise, notice, and honor (usually from the wrong places). But actually, we were made to be noticed and honored by God as the primary aim of our lives. In this podcast, Pete completes a 2-part study on the radical contrast of the world’s easy-to-follow discipleship to Jesus’ hard-to-follow discipleship.

Tuesday May 15, 2018

In part 1 of this podcast series, Pete shares 19-months worth of learnings on the theme of discipleship in the Gospel of Matthew and makes specific applications for leaders today.

Thursday May 10, 2018

Keeping Sabbath is a core spiritual practice – an essential means God uses to slow us down and mature us. In this podcast, Pete expounds on ten core reasons Sabbath is indispensable for those who lead in Jesus’ name.


Wednesday May 02, 2018

God has a great plan for you. But if you are going to become the extraordinary human being He intends and be a blessing to the world, you will have to navigate the dark nights that will come your way.

Tuesday April 24, 2018

Discerning what season you, and your ministry, are in right now is one of our most important leadership tasks. In this podcast Pete expounds on the seasons of Fall (transitions), Winter (death), Spring (fruitfulness), and Summer (abundance), examining how each holds its own gift from God – if we cooperate with it.

Wednesday April 18, 2018

In part 2 of this series, we will look at the journey of Job as a model of a leader who integrated his sadness, anger, and depression in ways that made him an even greater leader who continues to speak to us today.


Wednesday April 11, 2018

In this podcast, Pete explores David’s integration of great leadership with great grieving and why this is so critical for us today.

Tuesday April 03, 2018

Limits are often the last place we look for God. The problem is that when we fail to look for God in our limits, we often bypass him. In this podcast, Pete considers Adam and Eve in the Garden, Jesus being tempted by Satan in the desert, and David at the height of his power and influence.