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Are you leading out of true power—or false power?
Far too often, we mistake activity for effectiveness, urgency for wisdom, and influence for true authority. When we operate out of false power—power rooted in our own ambition, hurry, or need for approval—we’re actually moving backward, not forward. We might look like we’re leading well, but deep inside, something is off. Anxiety rises, peace disappears, and we start measuring success by numbers instead of names, by comparison instead of calling.
In this episode, I unpack five countercultural ways to guard your heart and leadership against the trap of false power. We look at Paul’s struggle with the “super-apostles” and how weakness—not strength—is the pathway to true kingdom power. We explore why embracing slowness, humility, and deep discernment is the only way to keep your leadership aligned with Jesus.
If you’ve ever felt exhausted, driven, or subtly addicted to success—this episode is for you. True power is found in surrender. Let’s learn to lead from a different kind of strength.
In his last podcast for 2019, Pete offers us an inside view of Moses and his leadership in the midst of great pressure at the Red Sea. It is through this pressure that Moses makes critical leadership choices, and Pete offers us a model of those five leadership choices for us to reflect on as we enter 2020.
In his podcast, Pete shares a critical truth that has shaped his life and leadership for many years. Pete expands on the spiritual truth found in the story of Mary's visit to Elizabeth. As you listen to this podcast, may you be able to meditate on the new thing God may be birthing in you. Jesus is inviting you to slow down to listen to Him. Will you do this for Him?
In this week's podcast, Pete touches on a subject that is a challenge to every leader-being able to have patience in a world that is impatient. Pete explains why learning to wait patiently is one of the greatest gifts we can give to those around us. May we be able to "Be still before the Lord" and learn to wait on Him.
In this week's podcast, Pete shares five specific leadership mistakes to avoid around the Christmas season. He shares from his personal mistakes that took many years to learn from, and in doing so, it is his prayer that you may also hear the voice of Jesus and that you may lead and serve others around Christmas.
In Part 2 of his podcast, Pete expands on the final five hard lessons he learned during his first 21 years serving as Lead Pastor at New Life. In sharing these lessons, Pete's hope is that future generations of leaders would profoundly meditate on these lessons and learn from these mistakes so they will not be repeated.
In part 1 of this podcast, Pete expands on lessons birthed out of difficult labor, costly mistakes, and painful suffering. He offers us the first five lessons that became a turning point for his life, and in offering these lessons, may future generations not repeat those mistakes.
This podcast invites you into a lesson God brought into Pete's life that shifted his view of himself and his leadership when God met him powerfully through the story of David in 1 Samuel 17.
In this podcast, Pete answers the question, "How do you measure success in your own leadership and how might that be different from the way I’m measuring it today?”
Pete offers nine points as a response to that very important question.
When we step back to see the global, cross-racial, international, historical church as God sees, it is powerfully transformative. In part 3 of this podcast series, Pete expounds on why it is so essential to learn from Christians different than us, as well as from history if we are going to make serious disciples of Jesus. After giving a brief overview of church history, he shares ten treasures for mission from Scott Sunquist, President at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Where did we get the idea that it’s possible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature? In this podcast Pete explores the gaps in our theology that have caused such a tragic state of affairs in the church and outlines the core components of integrating emotional health into our discipleship and leadership development.
What are the leadership blind spots that prevent us from developing mature, deeply changed disciples and leaders? Pete addresses the first blind spot, exploring the sobering truth that leadership is essentially giving away who you are, that we can only truly give away what we are living. When we skim in our relationship with God, no spiritual program can substitute for the superficiality and striving that inevitably follows.
Pete builds on last week’s message, “Listen,” and moves to practical applications that have served him to sharpen his own discernment process. In particular, he draws from the insights of Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of Jesuits and shares four insights that have served him in listening and discerning God’s will.
Listening and discerning what God is saying is one of the most important areas of discipleship for any Christian. This especially applies to leaders. When we listen wrongly, the ripple effect is far-reaching. In Matthew 17, we observe Peter in a hurry to advise Jesus. He attempts to do the right thing for Jesus, but instead of waiting and listening, he is too eager to make plans. God the Father rebukes him and calls him to right listening, a listening that allows the word of Jesus to do its full work and create a relaxed, un-frenetic obedience in and through him.
In this podcast, Pete shares 6 unique contributions Emotionally Healthy Discipleship brings to the challenge of bridging barriers of race, culture and class and shares the final four contributions of EH Discipleship to this pressing global issue that confronts us as the church in the 21st century.
The first Christians viewed themselves as part of world-wide family that transcended national, class, cultural, and racial barriers. They understood Jesus, through his blood shed on the cross, had destroyed these barriers and created new people, the church (Eph. 2:14-15). Pete shares his story in coming to grips with this complex reality as a new believer and how it led him to plant New Life Fellowship Church in New York City with a mission to bridge racial, cultural, economic and gender barriers. He also discusses three contributions of EH Discipleship for building reconciled communities.
It has been said that all of life is one person handing off their anxiety to another. There are few places this applies more clearly than in leadership. In chapters 6 & 7 of the gospel of John, Jesus' brothers come to Him frantic with worry that Jesus’ ministry is in deep trouble and urge him to go to Jerusalem so the crowds can see his miracles and he can rebuild his following. Jesus refuses to take on their leadership anxiety, replying: “My time has not yet come; for you any time will do” (John 7:1-9). How did Jesus so calmly deal with their anxiety? What do you normally do when external counsel, or an internal voice, urge you to act quickly so you don’t appear to be failing?
Pete and his wife Geri sit down to reflect on the 7 Marks of an Emotionally Healthy Wedding. On August 17th of this year, Pete and Geri hosted an international wedding with 20-25 guests coming from the other side of the world. As a result, a one-day wedding grew into a larger five-day event and offered a window into a unique, high-level application of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship.
Each of us encounters storms and circumstances we cannot overcome. In this podcast, Pete talks about moving beyond an intellectual belief in the resurrection of Jesus to a practical trust that transforms our obstacles into gifts. In John 11 Jesus asks Mary a question: Did I not tell you that if you trust, you will see the glory of God? (John 11:40). He asks us the same question today.
The whole core of the Christian life can be summed up as praying, abiding, and being with Jesus. Our first work in life is not to get something from God but to be with God. In this podcast Pete shares a message from John 2 on prayer and trusting in a wine that never runs out. May it be an encouragement to you to trust in Jesus and cultivate a life of deep connection and being with Jesus each day.
“We must not give to others what we have received for ourselves; nor must we keep for ourselves that which we have received to spend on others. You fall into the latter error, if you possess the gift of eloquence or wisdom, and yet—through fear or sloth or false humility—neglect to use the gift for others’ benefit. And on the other hand, you dissipate and lose what is your own, if without right intention and from some wrong motive, you hasten to outpour yourself on others when your own soul is only half-filled.” words from Bernard of Clairvaux.
What will you do with the treasure of your life?
Being a disciple is an on-going shaping and molding by God. In this podcast based on a recent sermon, Pete shares how Jesus wants us to “stick with Him,” allowing Him to radically transform and reorient our lives.
We've reached the last podcast reviewing the final chapter in The Emotionally Healthy Leader: Endings and New Beginnings. Integrating endings and new beginnings is a critical leadership task. Learn how to master transitions in God's way with his timing.
It was the lessons learned from pain around “Power and Wise Boundaries” that initially served as the impetus for the writing of The Emotionally Healthy Leader. Almost every church, nonprofit organization, and Christian community bears deep scars and hurt due to a failure to steward power and set wise boundaries. In this podcast Pete gives many examples of ways we can do this in a healthy way, attempting to nuance the different situations in which we find ourselves.
One of the primary tasks of a leader is to create a healthy culture with healthy teams. For Christian leaders, this task is even more demanding because the kind of culture and teams we create are to be radically different than those of the world. Pete builds on the four characteristics of emotionally healthy culture and team building from The Emotionally Healthy Leader, expanding on each with personal examples and specific ways he has integrated them into his work over the last 23 years.
Making plans for God without listening to him has been standard practice for thousands of years. In this podcast, Pete talks about the 3 indispensable questions he asks to stay anchored in making plans and decisions that flow out of deep inner life with God – whether they be in personal leadership or with a team.
The integration of Sabbath delight in the midst of an active, missional life is one of the more subversive, radical and powerful gifts we can offer our people and the world we aim to serve. In this podcast Pete explores a number of related Sabbath applications and tangents and answers a number of common FAQ’s.
Pete continues his series on The Emotionally Healthy Leader by sharing a sermon on Sabbath. Sabbath is God’s foundation for our work. It guards us against the powerful idol of making our work the center of meaning for our lives, protecting us from defining ourselves by our work.
Pete builds on the chapter, “Slow Down for Loving Union,” from The Emotionally Healthy Leader, offering additional insights on how to allow Jesus full access to our lives in a posture of openness and surrender and offers a larger perspective on the unique challenges of leading when, at the same time, we’re seeking to deepen our abiding in Jesus.
This podcast explores the second pillar of building a deep inner life out of which we lead for Jesus: lead out of your marriage or singleness. Pete begins by reviewing briefly a theology of marriage/singleness as a sign and wonder that bears witness to God’s love for the world then talks about four challenges we encounter as we embark on this journey.
In part 2 of this series on The Emotionally Healthy Leader, Pete explores the first pillar of building a deep inner life out of which we lead for Jesus: face your shadow. This requires confronting those parts of who we are that we prefer to neglect, forget, or deny, and it is our most difficult leadership task. Pete builds on the material found in book and provides additional avenues to get at this largely unconscious, damaged but mostly hidden version of who we are.
This launches the first of 10 podcasts from The Emotionally Healthy Leader book on “The Emotionally Unhealthy Leader.” Pete describes the four characteristics of an emotionally unhealthy leader and the unhealthy commandments which dominate our Christian leadership cultures. He invites us to let the simple but profound truths of this podcast go deep into our bones, to go from our head to our heart, that the world might know Jesus.
Few leaders have an awareness of, let alone reflect on, the nature of their power. In this podcast, Pete shares a reading from the chapter on power and wise boundaries in The Emotionally Healthy Leader, discussing the complexity of dual relationships and power.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Abraham and Sarah, out of their impatience, birthed a physical son - Ishmael. We too, out of our own impatience, often birth “Ishmaels” as well. This podcast explores The Ishmael Test, four questions to ask ourselves before we launch large decisions for God and his work.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Reflecting on our mistakes and regrets can be a gift if we learn from them. This podcast is Part 2 of Pete's biggest regrets over the last 40 years of leadership. He shares 6 more regrets and discusses discretion (i.e. discernment) in leadership.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Pete answers the question “what has been your greatest regret in leadership?” by sharing his top four regrets over the last 40 years. This is part 1 of a 2-part series.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Pete talks about the ancient practice of the Daily Office as one powerful means to carve out sufficient time to be with Jesus and to be with ourselves – out of which we go and offer our lives as a gift to the world. This is not a superficial being simply to stay functional but to a deep waiting on Jesus – a life with deep stillness and silence that serves to center our leadership. He also breaks down one of his morning prayer times as a sample (being fully aware that each of us needs to find our own way) and leads a short Daily Office.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Pete begins by talking about reading for wisdom and not simply for information – suggesting we re-learn how to read - then shares a list of key books he has read in last six to twelve months.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
It is possible to build a church, an organization, or a team by relying only on our gifts, talents, and experience. But Jesus says that our efforts are worth nothing unless they flow out of a relationship of loving union with him (John 15:5). In this podcast, Pete shares an excerpt from the audio version of The Emotionally Healthy Leader where he talks about slowing down for loving union with Jesus. Staying in communion with Jesus is the most important leadership issue for each of us.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Pete explores the sixth, and final, quality in this 6-part series on the marks of a church culture that deeply changes lives: every person in full-time ministry. After providing a broad theological overview of our calling and our work, Pete offers 5 specific applications for pastors/leaders to build a dynamic culture where people mature and are freed for God’s mission in their lives.
To download a free e-book on Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision that Deeply changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Pete expands on the fifth quality of a church culture that deeply changes lives: passionate marriage and singleness. Christian marriage and singleness is different than secular marriage and singleness. Both have implications for multiplying disciples and building Christ-filled communities.
To download a free e-book on Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Pete expands on the fourth quality of a church culture that deeply changes lives: healthy community. In a church culture that changes lives, leaders prayerfully and thoughtfully model how to do relationships differently in the new family of Jesus. In this podcast, Pete offers six insights to building a healthy, transformative community.
To download a free e-book on Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Pete expands on the third quality of a church culture that deeply changes lives: beneath-the-surface discipleship. In a church culture that deeply changes lives, no one assumes people are maturing on the basis of activities such as church attendance, small group involvement, and serving. Instead, they understand maturity is the fruit of the slow, hard work of following the crucified Jesus.
To download a free e-book on Church Culture Revolution: A 6 Part Vision that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
In part 2 of this series on six marks of a church culture that deeply changes lives, Pete explores integrity in leadership. When we have integrity in leadership, we do not pretend to be something on the outside that we are not on the inside. Pete looks at integrity as a continuum, examines what it means to guard the integrity of the ministry or family we lead, and finally offers a few pointers on practical ways to raise the level of your own integrity that will inevitably impact those you lead.
To download a free e-book on Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
In part one of this new series, Pete explores the first and most important characteristic of a church culture that deeply changes lives – a slowed down spirituality. This is a church culture where people refuse to allow a hurried world to set the pace for their lives but instead live by rhythms that are slower and more deliberate. They set aside time each day to immerse themselves in Scripture, silence, and solitude, which are foundational practices for their communion with Jesus.
Download free e-book: Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision that Deeply Changes Lives www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
In this 4th and final episode of a sermon series on the life of Jacob, Pete observes the life of Jacob in contrast to his son Joseph. One lived as if all things were against him. The other lived knowing God was for him even in difficult circumstances. How might you be living?
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
In "Hard Lessons from the Life of Jacob: Part 3" Pete shares how Jacob finally faced his most difficult conflicts, became crippled in the process, but was changed by God.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Tension. Distress. Difficulty. Pressure. Do these adjectives describe some days in your leadership? In Part 2 of “Hard Lessons from the Life of Jacob” Pete shares how God met Jacob in the mess, strain and conflict of his leadership. God is there to do the same in our own difficult leadership days.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Jacob offers us a rich study of leadership. While he was richly blessed by God – chosen, destined to greatness, and deeply loved – he struggled to rest in that reality. In Part 1 of this series, Pete unpacks the lessons of Jacob’s exploitation of Esau to ensure he gets God’s blessings for the future.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Jesus’ challenge to the leaders in his day, found in his sermon in Matthew 23, is so biting and sharp that some interpreters have wondered if these words are authentically Jesus’. They are. In this podcast, Pete breaks down Jesus’ challenge into 5 categories and shares how it applies to us today.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Pete invites you into his personal journey of slowly breaking patterns and behaviors of overfunctioning. After considering the examples of Moses and Martha as classic overfunctioners, he lays out the three steps he took to stop overfunctioning.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
When we cross the line into “fixing” our ministries instead of leading them forward to greener pastures, we are overfunctioning. Pete invites you to listen to Geri’s reading of the audio version of an outstanding chapter out of The Emotionally Healthy Woman called “Quit Overfunctioning.” By the time you finish, it will make sense why quitting overfunctioning is foundational to leadership.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
In part 2 of this podcast series, Pete explores four additional goals we frequently overlook in our leadership. To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Setting priorities as a Christian leader is one of our most challenging and difficult tasks. If we get it right, fruitfulness and joy follow. If we get it wrong, feelings of failure and misery follow. This podcast (Part 1 of 2) will consider, in detail, the most frequently overlooked priority and goal of our leadership.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.