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In leadership, weakness is often seen as a liability. A roadblock. Something to overcome. But what if weakness is actually the platform for God's power in your life?
In this episode, we continue exploring one of the most misunderstood and countercultural truths of the gospel—God’s power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9). The world—and even much of the church—chases after strength, size, eloquence, and success. But Paul’s life and leadership tell a different story. The super-apostles of Corinth flaunted their credentials, spiritual gifts, and influence. Paul? He boasted in his suffering, his limits, his thorn in the flesh—because that was where the power of Christ rested on him.
As leaders, we often think, If only I were stronger, more gifted, more influential… But what if God’s way isn’t about making us stronger but about making us weaker, so His power can be revealed?
Join me as we dive deep into this paradox that could transform your leadership—and your life.
In today's podcast, Pete shares some insights from the prophet Isaiah to help us see what God is doing when our plans change drastically.
Pete believes this episode will help you enter more deeply into the Advent season AND prepare well for the coming year.
In today's podcast, Pete shares with you this conversation and prays it spurs you on in your own prayer journey.Â
In today's podcast, Pete makes the case for why the practice of thankfulness is the antidote to a pervasive ingratitude that causes our hearts to shrink.
Near the end, Pete invites you to consider 6 categories of life in which you have the opportunity to give thanks to God.
In today's podcast, Pete shares a message from years ago that is especially important for leaders today. It's about embracing the work of the cross so we can experience resurrection life.
In today's podcast, Pete addresses how we can live, lead, and meet God in the confusing-in-between.
In today's podcast, Pete shares a sermon in which he explores Jesus' parable of the wheat and tares. In this passage, Jesus reveals an astounding picture of how God intends to deal with the good and the evil - especially in the church.
In today's podcast, we learn an important lesson from Martin Buber, a well-known German-Jewish theologian who lived during WWI. From there, we'll explore 3 questions for how we can know whether or not we are actually loving our enemies.
In today's podcast, Pete concludes a three-part series on how Scripture invites us to live and lead in such deeply polarizing times. Throughout this series, we are exploring a total of six radical invitations.
In last week's podcast, Pete explored how our overly-politicized climate is not different from when Jesus walked the earth. Today, he continues the conversation by offering the next two radical invitations from Scripture that will help leaders navigate this moment with health, wisdom, and maturity.
In the first episode of this three-part series, Pete explores how our overly-politicized climate is not different from when Jesus walked the earth. He offers six radical invitations from Scripture that will help leaders navigate this moment with health, wisdom, and maturity.