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In leadership, weakness is often seen as a liability. A roadblock. Something to overcome. But what if weakness is actually the platform for God's power in your life?
In this episode, we continue exploring one of the most misunderstood and countercultural truths of the gospel—God’s power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9). The world—and even much of the church—chases after strength, size, eloquence, and success. But Paul’s life and leadership tell a different story. The super-apostles of Corinth flaunted their credentials, spiritual gifts, and influence. Paul? He boasted in his suffering, his limits, his thorn in the flesh—because that was where the power of Christ rested on him.
As leaders, we often think, If only I were stronger, more gifted, more influential… But what if God’s way isn’t about making us stronger but about making us weaker, so His power can be revealed?
Join me as we dive deep into this paradox that could transform your leadership—and your life.
Few leaders have an awareness of, let alone reflect on, the nature of their power. In this podcast, Pete shares a reading from the chapter on power and wise boundaries in The Emotionally Healthy Leader, discussing the complexity of dual relationships and power.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Abraham and Sarah, out of their impatience, birthed a physical son - Ishmael. We too, out of our own impatience, often birth “Ishmaels” as well. This podcast explores The Ishmael Test, four questions to ask ourselves before we launch large decisions for God and his work.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Reflecting on our mistakes and regrets can be a gift if we learn from them. This podcast is Part 2 of Pete's biggest regrets over the last 40 years of leadership. He shares 6 more regrets and discusses discretion (i.e. discernment) in leadership.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Pete answers the question “what has been your greatest regret in leadership?” by sharing his top four regrets over the last 40 years. This is part 1 of a 2-part series.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Pete talks about the ancient practice of the Daily Office as one powerful means to carve out sufficient time to be with Jesus and to be with ourselves – out of which we go and offer our lives as a gift to the world. This is not a superficial being simply to stay functional but to a deep waiting on Jesus – a life with deep stillness and silence that serves to center our leadership. He also breaks down one of his morning prayer times as a sample (being fully aware that each of us needs to find our own way) and leads a short Daily Office.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Pete begins by talking about reading for wisdom and not simply for information – suggesting we re-learn how to read - then shares a list of key books he has read in last six to twelve months.
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
It is possible to build a church, an organization, or a team by relying only on our gifts, talents, and experience. But Jesus says that our efforts are worth nothing unless they flow out of a relationship of loving union with him (John 15:5). In this podcast, Pete shares an excerpt from the audio version of The Emotionally Healthy Leader where he talks about slowing down for loving union with Jesus. Staying in communion with Jesus is the most important leadership issue for each of us.Â
To download a free e-book on Six Marks of a Church Culture that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Pete explores the sixth, and final, quality in this 6-part series on the marks of a church culture that deeply changes lives: every person in full-time ministry. After providing a broad theological overview of our calling and our work, Pete offers 5 specific applications for pastors/leaders to build a dynamic culture where people mature and are freed for God’s mission in their lives.
To download a free e-book on Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision that Deeply changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Pete expands on the fifth quality of a church culture that deeply changes lives: passionate marriage and singleness. Christian marriage and singleness is different than secular marriage and singleness. Both have implications for multiplying disciples and building Christ-filled communities.
To download a free e-book on Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.
Pete expands on the fourth quality of a church culture that deeply changes lives: healthy community. In a church culture that changes lives, leaders prayerfully and thoughtfully model how to do relationships differently in the new family of Jesus. In this podcast, Pete offers six insights to building a healthy, transformative community.
To download a free e-book on Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision that Deeply Changes Lives visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org/churchculture.