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Weakness: The Platform for Power: Pt. 2
Posted on: Tuesday February 18, 2025

📍 DOWNLOAD FREE E-BOOK: “LeaderShift” - Discover the 8 Pivotal Breakthroughs of Emotionally Healthy Leaders


In leadership, weakness is often seen as a liability. A roadblock. Something to overcome. But what if weakness is actually the platform for God's power in your life?

In this episode, we continue exploring one of the most misunderstood and countercultural truths of the gospel—God’s power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9). The world—and even much of the church—chases after strength, size, eloquence, and success. But Paul’s life and leadership tell a different story. The super-apostles of Corinth flaunted their credentials, spiritual gifts, and influence. Paul? He boasted in his suffering, his limits, his thorn in the flesh—because that was where the power of Christ rested on him.

As leaders, we often think, If only I were stronger, more gifted, more influential… But what if God’s way isn’t about making us stronger but about making us weaker, so His power can be revealed?

Join me as we dive deep into this paradox that could transform your leadership—and your life.

Tuesday March 27, 2018

One of the greatest spiritual challenges for leaders revolves around how we frame and respond to the limits God places around us. In this podcast, Pete begins offering a biblical framework to understand limits as gifts of grace from the hand of God and answers three of the most common questions he hears.

Tuesday March 20, 2018

In part 2 of this podcast, Pete issues an invitation to get deeply anchored in God by deliberately structuring your life in ancient spiritual practices that have stood the test of time.

Thursday March 15, 2018

Most leaders are starved for time. Few of us have a sustainable, long-term plan that answers the question: How can I live and lead in a way that is calm, relaxed, and filled with contentment in Jesus? In part one of this podcast, Pete discusses how to deliberately structure our lives around God’s rhythms.

Tuesday March 06, 2018

In Part 3 of this 3-part series, Pete answers five FAQ’s that emerge over and over again around the topic of redefining success Jesus' way and discusses the challenge of "to do the work before the work.”

Wednesday February 28, 2018

In Part 2 of this podcast, Pete offers three different examples of how to redefine success in ways that look beyond numbers. He then looks closely at the three factors necessary to internalize the kind of radical change necessary to make the doing of God’s will, regardless of where it leads, the measure of our success.

Tuesday February 20, 2018

Defining success as a Christian leader is one of our most challenging, vexing and difficult tasks. In part 1 of this podcast, Pete looks at two idols that dominate current Western culture and church leadership.

Wednesday February 14, 2018

One of the most important topics for any leader is how we develop other leaders. The future of our ministries depends on it. In this podcast, Pete shares the top three mistakes he has made and observed in leadership development over the decades.

Wednesday February 07, 2018

Many leaders are overworked, tired, and weighed down with too much to do in too little time. In this podcast, Pete discusses two keys to creative leadership: Sabbath and silence.

Thursday January 18, 2018

This podcast traces the history of Christianity and how this impacts our discipleship and our leadership today.

Thursday January 04, 2018

Embracing transitions is one of the critical leadership tasks every leader must master if we are to do God’s work, God’s way, and in God’s timing. Sadly, endings and transitions are often poorly handled in our families, ministries, organizations, and teams. This podcast explores the inner work we must do as leaders if we are to cooperate with God in this difficult work of endings and new beginnings.