Emotionally Healthy Evangelism

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Emotionally Healthy Evangelism

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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Rediscover an Ancient Path to Disciplemaking
Posted on: Tuesday January 21, 2025

📖 FREE E-BOOK: “Ancient Disciplemaking” - Your quick start guide to understanding the last 2,000 years of church history.  https://www.emotionallyhealthy.org/ancient


In today’s episode, we’re stepping into the rich, untapped wisdom of church history. As modern Christian leaders, many of us unknowingly skip over a critical part of our spiritual heritage—believing God’s work jumped straight from the Book of Acts to the Reformation or Azusa Street. This way of thinking has left us with shallow discipleship and an anemic church.

It’s time to reclaim the “genogram” of the church. Together, we’ll explore the first 1,000 years of Christian history, learn from the four major branches of the global church, and discover how ancient practices like silence, stillness, and grief can transform the way we lead and disciple others.

We’ll also address blind spots in our evangelical tradition and the immense lessons we can glean from brothers and sisters across time and culture. The past isn’t just history—it’s alive, shaping us even today.

Ready to strengthen your leadership and rediscover an ancient path to disciple-making? Download our free eBook at emotionallyhealthy.org/ancient and take your next step toward a deeper, transformative faith.


Search results for: sabbath
Tuesday October 29, 2024


🗓️ Discover the Sabbath -  Download a free e-book to learn the 4 countercultural practices of a biblical Sabbath day. https://www.emotionallyhealthy.org/sabbath/




Today, pastors and leaders are grappling with burnout, shallowness in discipleship, and a waning passion for God’s mission.

On today’s episode, I share some insights that have transformed the way I view mission and ministry—insights rooted in Celtic Christian spirituality.

Geri and I just returned from a two-week journey through Ireland, where we had the privilege of meeting with pastors and church leaders in both Belfast and Dublin. This trip refreshed us in so many ways, especially in reconnecting with the powerful legacy of St. Patrick. 

I believe that St. Patrick’s life and leadership are a map to rekindle the fire of mission that flows from a deep, inner life with God—an “overflowing cup” that sustains outward action. Through Patrick’s leadership, the Celtic church rooted themselves in prayer, community, and a mission-focused monastic life. In doing so, they transformed an entire nation.

This is one of the missing keys that I believe will unlock passionate, world-changing mission in every member of our churches.


Tuesday April 18, 2023

One of the greatest threats to leading with joy is giving into the temptation of overcommitment.

When our lives are crowded, cluttered, and cramped, it is difficult to hear God and live in loving union with Him. The irony is, we can "fit in" regular practices of Sabbath and silence while still being driven by an overscheduled life.

But how do we resist this temptation?

Silence, solitude, and sabbath must become our practices.
AND spaciousness must become our mindset.

In order to live spacious lives, we must avoid the critical traps that keep us settling for an overcommitted life.

  • What would it feel like to live with breathing room?
  • How would it feel to limit your "Yes" and claim more margin in your schedule?
  • What if you could build in time for extended thinking, praying, and being?

On today's podcast, I identify several traps that keep you from the gift of spaciousness and offer wisdom that will help you live with a renewed sense of joy.

Tuesday April 26, 2022

We must recover the ancient practice Sabbath. It's how we slow down our lives to delight in Jesus, and in doing so, anchor ourselves into eternity.
On today's podcast, I share a message which is the second part of our podcast series on the Sabbath.

Tuesday April 19, 2022
When we enter into Sabbath we are able to work from our rest, not just rest from our work.

This is the theme we explore in today's podcast episode. Working from our rest allows our lives to become a sign and wonder pointing to the reality of Jesus.

Want to see how? Listen to the episode now.
Tuesday March 01, 2022

We were made by God to live within rhythms and limits. 

On today's podcast, we explore this countercultural practice that cuts to the very heart of our beliefs about God and ourselves. 

Today's episode is a continuation of an 8-week podcast series in which we explore the seminal work from Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. If you are a pastor, leader, or listener and you want to start the journey toward emotional and spiritual health, this series is a must-listen.


Tuesday July 09, 2019

The integration of Sabbath delight in the midst of an active, missional life is one of the more subversive, radical and powerful gifts we can offer our people and the world we aim to serve. In this podcast Pete explores a number of related Sabbath applications and tangents and answers a number of common FAQ’s.

Tuesday July 02, 2019

Pete continues his series on The Emotionally Healthy Leader by sharing a sermon on Sabbath. Sabbath is God’s foundation for our work. It guards us against the powerful idol of making our work the center of meaning for our lives, protecting us from defining ourselves by our work.

Thursday May 10, 2018

Keeping Sabbath is a core spiritual practice – an essential means God uses to slow us down and mature us. In this podcast, Pete expounds on ten core reasons Sabbath is indispensable for those who lead in Jesus’ name.


Wednesday February 07, 2018

Many leaders are overworked, tired, and weighed down with too much to do in too little time. In this podcast, Pete discusses two keys to creative leadership: Sabbath and silence.

Tuesday September 22, 2015